Saturday, July 21, 2012

It has been way too long since I updated – but, until about a month ago, there wasn’t a whole lot of new to talk about.  In the past month, Bob has done some really good things.  He can now sit himself up in bed and swing his legs over the side.  He is walking more and further and he can go up and down the 2 small steps that we have separating our family room from our living area.  His memory is also continually improving and his sense of humor is returning.  He teases and laughs which are both so great to see!  We did have an interesting thing happen about 3 weeks ago.  One morning when he woke up, he didn’t know how to do anything.  I just thought it was unusual but didn’t think that much about it.  When my sister Jane got here for the day, he introduced himself to her.  We looked at each other and then started to be a little concerned.  He didn’t know anything that morning, not that he was married, had children, nothing.  As my sister and I talked through the morning, we decided that we better take him to the emergency room in case he was having some bleeding, pressure or swelling in his brain.  They did a CT scan, blood work, other labs etc. and they determined that there wasn’t anything new or unusual.  Ryan and I have been attending a support group here in the valley and found out from the instructor that this is a normal part of the healing process.  When the brain is trying to heal something “big” the rest of the brain has to shut down so that all of the energy can go to help whatever is healing at that time.  He has had one other of those particular events and two other different kinds.  Last night his head was spinning and it appeared that he was maybe having a mini seizure.  He was unresponsive for a few seconds and then back again.  We were scared and concerned but as we watched him through the evening, things got better and by this morning, he felt fine.  We decided that it was just another way the brain reacts to another something big that is trying to heal.  What a complex thing our brain is . . . we see just how much every day.  Bob has been attending sacrament meeting for about the last 6 weeks or so and he really loves being there.  Last week he asked if we could stay to the other meetings, so we did.  Things are progressing slowly but we shouldn’t expect anything else considering the severity of his injury.  When life gets extra hard and I don’t think I can do anymore, my angels pick me up and away we go!  It has been an incredible journey!  Thanks so much for all the support, you will NEVER know how much it has meant.  I haven’t been good at getting thank you cards out, but please know that it doesn’t mean that I don’t care or that I don’t appreciate EVERYTHING that has been done for us!  We love you all!

"I was doing dishes and turned to see Bob standing at the island - 
he had pulled himself up."

"This is the first step in re-training Bob on how to 
go up and down the stairs."