Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 92

Friday, February 17, 2012
It's been a while since I updated with new information about Bob's progress, sorry!  He is steadily progressing and getting stronger all the time.  You can see in the photos that he is beginning to walk, with the help of therapists, slings, parallel bars and walkers, but he is walking!  Today he walked without the sling and with very little assistance from the therapists.  He made it to the end of the parallel bars twice in his morning therapy and again once in the afternoon.  He is starting to retain some information for a little longer than he has and does make some sense on his good days.  He actually told me last night that he remembered cleaning the church the morning of his accident.  His progress is slow but it is happening!  We are probably still out another 3 weeks or so until he can come home, but after 3 months, that sounds like a very short amount of time to me!  Thanks so much to everyone who sent Valentines to Bob.  He was really excited that so many people had thought about him that day!  The picture shows just a very few of the Valentines he got, there were lots more, thank you!  Please continue to pray for Bob, the miracles are continuing in his behalf.  He wants to come home so bad but realizes that he can't quite yet.  It makes him sad and emotional when we have to leave to come home, without him.  Thanks so much to those who have visited him, he really enjoys seeing familiar faces.  If you happen to be in the Murray area, please consider stopping in for a visit, it is kind of a fun thing!  I know he recognizes people, he still just can't put the right name with the right face.  If I haven't learned anything else from all of this, it is that we all take so very much for granted.  Our lives and our abilities are amazing, but they can be taken from us in just a split second.  Be grateful for every little thing you can do!  Your kindness and love will be forever appreciated.  Love to all of you!

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