Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 130

Sunday, March 25, 2012
Well, Bob has been home for 2 weeks now and I decided that when people ask how things are going, I try to explain the we have just exchanged hard for hard.  What I mean by that is that it was so hard to travel every weekend to see him and try to work and do everything else that needs to be done.  Well, I don't have the travel, which I am so grateful for, but it is hard to have him home too.  He doesn't sleep very well at nights and needs constant care.  There has to be someone with him all the time.  I have a great support team that is helping me with that, wonderful kids and in-law kids and my sweet sister (she has been a god-send).  The first week home we made sure there were 2 of us here all day so we could see what it was going to entail.  The second week we found that we just needed one of us here during the day and I, of course, am here at night.  The only time 2 people are needed to help is on bath night.  It is still too difficult for me to do by myself.  Bob is getting stronger and is going into Logan Regional twice a week for his therapy's.  He is remembering a few things from his past, every now and again he will say something that makes me cheer that he remembered.  His short term memory still isn't very good, sometimes he doesn't even remember what just happened an hour ago.  He has been out to his shop twice now and that definitely makes him happy.  We are going to try to figure out a way to get him out there for an hour or so to watch Rod work and maybe even help him sand or something.  He put the cover back on our light switch plate in our bedroom, the picture is of him vacuuming out the hole to get all the dust out before he screwed the cover back on.  It was pretty amazing to watch, he knew exactly how to do it. His wording still gets pretty mixed up but the one thing I have noticed, when he prays, his words are always perfect!  I know Heavenly Father will make it all good, there has just been too many miracles for him to stop here.  Leaving IMC was bitter-sweet, when a nurse told me that, I thought she had to be crazy, but it was so true.  The nurses and therapists there were absolutely incredible.  We grew really close to them and it was hard to say good-bye.  They were definitely some of the angels that Heavenly Father saw fit to bless our lives with.  Tuesday is Bob's birthday and I am so grateful that I get to celebrate another birthday with him.  Please remember how precious life is . . . don't take a second of it for granted!  Thanks so much for all the support and love, visits, meals, phone calls, texts, emails, treats, prayers, messages, thoughts, cards, foot zones :) . . . the list is endless - thank you!

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