Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday - May 29, 2012
Bob's progress is slow and steady these days.  He can now get his legs up onto the bed all by himself!  His memory is coming, some days much better than others.  He did have quite a time the last 3 weeks or so, when he was experiencing more bad days than good ones.  With some medication adjustments and some very fervent prayers to the Lord, the past week has been really good.  We had a broken chair and he figured out where the bolt needed to go and he drew my closet remodel that I want to do.  It is very obvious, that part of his brain was not affected.  On the flip side, when I ask him what he wants for dinner, he can not tell me.  Simple objects and names are still really hard for him to name.  If you show him a picture, then he knows exactly what you are talking about.  The brain is a very interesting and complex thing, as well as very fragile.  I was reminded the other day just how fragile it is.  I said something in fun to Bob and it upset him very much.  I felt really bad and had to take a step back and remember that he doesn't understand things right now like he use to, things are much more magnified than they were before.  Time and patience are what we need to endure now.  We were told it would be a very long process and it will be.  Things are moving along and I think, with time, it will all be ok.  Thanks so much for your continued prayers and thoughts in our behalf!   

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