Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 12

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
They moved Bob out of the ICU today and onto the Intermediate Care floor. He isn't as responsive today as he was yesterday but they think that is because of the 2 surgical procedures that he had yesterday plus he has an infection in his respiratory system. They are treating him with a very strong antibiotic and hopefully it will kill it quick! He will have another CT scan tomorrow and that will tell the neuro surgeon how his brain looks and whether they will plan to put his skull back on Friday morning. The neuro surgeon was quite positive today so we were quite pumped. He looks good - he opened his eyes some tonight and pulled his hand away from Katie. The little things are HUGE things to us right now - please keep praying, we are far from done. Love to you all! Thanks!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Help Bob the Builder Charity Dinner

Monday, December 5, 2011
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Summit Elementary @ 80 W Center in Smithfield

Please join us for a benefit dinner to help the Bob Page family. There will be yummy pulled pork sandwiches and Dan Gyllenskog's famous Dutch oven potatoes.

  • $10/Adult
  • $5/Children under 8
  • $35/Family

There will be a raffle with prizes
  • $3/1 ticket
  • $5/2 tickets
  • $10/5 tickets

There will also be a silent auction for other items.

Please come and support this great family and the growing medical bills due to Bob's accident. Together we can make a difference!

Day 11

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Bob has been off all sedation and pain medication for about 3 days now. He is trying to wake up - he is opening his eyes and moving his leg. They put a trak in today and also put his feeding tube directly into his stomach. This will free up his mouth and throat and also make it easier to ween him off of the ventilator. Doesn't he look good? They are talking about reattaching his skull on Friday this week and then about moving him to an acute long term care facility. The one they are recommending to us is called Promise. It is located in LDS Hospital in SLC. I am grateful for facilities like this that will work intently to restore the things that might be slow or even gone. We don't know what permanent damage has been done to Bob at this time. There are indications that there will definitely be some. Until he wakes up and can be evaluated, his future is still unknown. The doctors would like to see more than he is giving right now and that scares me a little. We need him back and in my heart I feel that he will be ok but am doubting because of the different opinions I am getting from the medical professionals. Please keep praying for him, I hope Heavenly Father will see fit to make my wishes possible. I need him back!! He is such a good man! Thanks so much to everyone for all your love and support!

Friday, November 25, 2011


We are planning a benefit fundraiser/dinner in Smithfield December 5th to help raise money for Bob Page's (our dad's) medical bills and other expenses. If you would like to donate any hand made items, time, or talents, we would appreciate it. Please contact Kami (757-3034) with any questions or things you would like to donate!! More details to come on the dinner location!!! Thanks for your love and support!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 6

Thursday, November 24, 2011
It's Thanksgiving Day and we have so much to be thankful for! Bob is slowly but steadily improving and today they removed the ICP (the gauge that measures the swelling and pressure in his head). They also don't have his head wrapped and boy does he have a great looking hairdo! He is stable and the next step is to start lowering the sedation and respiration. We have been overwhelmed with the love and support of so many, thank you!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 5

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Today we have move positive news! His ICP was down from 6 - 9 overnight. His white blood cell count was down today so the chances for infection and pneumonia are a little less today. When we got there to visit tonight, there was even more good news! They may remove his ICP guage tomorrow! Please keep praying - see how it is working?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 4

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Bob had another CT scan today, not a lot of change from the last one. Some additional bleeding but they think his body will absorb it on its own. They tried to reduce his sedation a bit, but it caused his ICP to increase so they had to increase it again. Not much as far as eyes opening or lifting fingers today.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 3

Monday, November 21, 2011
Prayers are working! Bob's ICP has decreased to the lower teens today, 12 - 14. He is even following some simple commands from the doctors - we saw his eyes open ever so slightly and when asked to show us 2 fingers, he did! They said his eyes opened when they moved him during the night. It was a good day today, lots of little positives that we consider HUGE!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

PLEASE, pray for my father. He was in an accident yesterday. He is in the ICU, we are having a fast for him, join us if you can, thank you!

Day 2

Sunday, November 20, 2011
Bob's condition today isn't much different than yesterday. His ICP pressure has been up in the high teens, 14 - 18 which makes us worry a little. His vitals are good and he is a fighter! With prayers and fasting from family, friends and ward members, we have great hope and faith that all will be well with this wonderful man!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 1

Saturday, November 19, 2011
On Saturday, November 19, 2011, Bob was in a tragic accident while plowing snow off of the lane leading to their home. The details are still unknown as to what happened. He was found unconscious in the middle of the road on 2nd east. After being rushed to Logan Regional hospital he was life flighted to McKay Dee hospital and rushed into surgery. With extensive brain bleeding and bruising, they removed the hematoma and removed the left side of his skull to help reduce the swelling. He was placed in a medically induced coma with a ICP gauge in his head to check the pressure constantly. We were told at that time that Bob would be in this medically induced coma for 10 days to 2 weeks. If the swelling increased past 20, there was the possibility that they might have to remove the right side of his skull also. He is in very critical condition with an unknown outcome.