Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 11

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Bob has been off all sedation and pain medication for about 3 days now. He is trying to wake up - he is opening his eyes and moving his leg. They put a trak in today and also put his feeding tube directly into his stomach. This will free up his mouth and throat and also make it easier to ween him off of the ventilator. Doesn't he look good? They are talking about reattaching his skull on Friday this week and then about moving him to an acute long term care facility. The one they are recommending to us is called Promise. It is located in LDS Hospital in SLC. I am grateful for facilities like this that will work intently to restore the things that might be slow or even gone. We don't know what permanent damage has been done to Bob at this time. There are indications that there will definitely be some. Until he wakes up and can be evaluated, his future is still unknown. The doctors would like to see more than he is giving right now and that scares me a little. We need him back and in my heart I feel that he will be ok but am doubting because of the different opinions I am getting from the medical professionals. Please keep praying for him, I hope Heavenly Father will see fit to make my wishes possible. I need him back!! He is such a good man! Thanks so much to everyone for all your love and support!


  1. Sister Page - Bob, dear Bob, did the cabinetry in our basement about 3 years ago. He is the DEAREST man. We even came to your home once - that's just how sweet and kind he is. You know this.
    I just heard about Bob's accident. My heart is so sad. We will be praying for Bob and you. Please know how many lives he has touched for good along his way. He is one of those great guys.

    Much love to you, Julie Allen

  2. We are all here for you. Bob is in every single one of our prayers...and so are you, Joy.
    We are doing our nieghborhood bonfire (this is an annual tradition on the 1t Monday night of December) as a fundraiser for your family. We had everything ready to go when we learned of the family dinner on Sunday...so we have decided to go with it. We decided that both groups are working for a common goal and the important thing is that you get the help you need. We love you!
