Friday, November 25, 2011


We are planning a benefit fundraiser/dinner in Smithfield December 5th to help raise money for Bob Page's (our dad's) medical bills and other expenses. If you would like to donate any hand made items, time, or talents, we would appreciate it. Please contact Kami (757-3034) with any questions or things you would like to donate!! More details to come on the dinner location!!! Thanks for your love and support!!


  1. Love never fails!! God will be with you always and hears all prayers. I know that God is watching over Bob at this time and will not leave him alone during this trial.

  2. We are praying for all of you!! I hope it is ok that I posted this bloglink onto my FB page. We will for sure be there for the dinner and I will think of what I can do to donate. PLEASE let me know if you need any help with anything (food preperation, child care, etc.) We sure love your family and all you have done for our family, especially for our Rodney.

    Angie Belnap
