Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 58

Monday, January 16, 2012
It has been a week now at IMC and Bob has made some great progress.  They have him standing in 2 different machines for a very few minutes.  It is very painful on his legs but he is doing it!  He had a really bad day on Thursday, they wondered if he had more bleeding on his brain so they took him in for another CT scan.  It didn't show anything new so that was great news!  I think he may have just had a touch of the flu - he complained of a bad headache, he threw up and just didn't feel well.  They gave him medication to help him sleep and he just rested all day.  He was up and ready to go on Friday.  He was extremely grumpy though, with everyone.  We ended his speech therapy early because he was not cooperating at all.  He had a nap and then I talked to him about his attitude and when the kids arrived for a visit, he was feeling much better.  We are on a roller coaster right now, up one moment and down the next.  It's hard to keep up with sometimes!  I'm hoping he is understanding that he needs to work really hard now to get strong so he can come home.  Kami and I had a pep talk with him last night before we left and we are really hoping that he will remember it and keep trying to do what they ask him to do.  He is remembering some things, doing quite well with numbers and letters but can't tell you the names of simple objects.  Kami had some great apps on her I-pad and worked with him on those.  It is very interesting to sit and watch what his responses are, truly amazing how our brain works!  Please continue to pray for Bob, I think the real ride has just begun!  Thanks so much for the support and love being sent our way - people have been truly amazing!!

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