Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012
We finally got Bob moved out of Promise on Friday!  He had another really hard day on Friday but by Saturday, it was a totally different thing.  He spent the day trying to figure out who was married to who.  We had some good laughs and he was acting like what my brother-in-law referred to as a "cheap drunk."  It was a fun day to see him happy and content.  He did well in his physical therapy and the people at the IMC facility are awesome!  We are looking forward to good progress now and I'm sure many new challenges along the way.  He was a little more calm and quiet yesterday, I think he was trying to fit some of the puzzle pieces together by the questions he was asking us.  Just to give you all some glimpse of this healing process, Saturday he got our names right, for the most part, but couldn't tell us the correct time.  Sunday, he didn't get any of our names right but was right on the money with the time.  It is so interesting to see each day, the differences in what is connecting and what isn't.  He is eating now and only has the tube feed at night.  His therapy is 1 1/2 hours in the morning and 1 1/2 hours in the afternoon.  The policy at IMC for visitors is that you try to visit after 3:30 p.m. so it doesn't interfere with his therapy.  Thanks so much for your support - love to all of you!   

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