Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 74

Bob writing me a letter!

Bob standing at the parallel bars!

Bob standing by the ladder, he used the rungs to help pull himself up!

Monday, January 30, 2012
Great things are starting to really happen with Bob.  He had more good days than bad this past week!  Saturday he stood another 6 times and by the last one, he was using a lot of his own strength to get up.  He did great in all his therapy's this past weekend and even wrote me a letter in occupational therapy, with his right hand.  It was a very sweet letter!  He wanted a blessing on Sunday, so he asked Aram & I to help him call and arrange for that. It was a beautiful blessing and I think it made him feel better about things.  He is starting to remember more and asking more questions about his accident and about other things.  He is still struggling with names and doesn't make sense some of the time, but it is getting better.  Today in therapy, he stood 10 times and did a lot of it with his own strength.  His therapist said that this was by far his best day!  She said that his next challenge will be to start taking steps, with assistance of course, but isn't that great?  It is so exciting to see him coming back and to experience the greatness of the miracles that we are seeing.  His doctor told him today that if he continues to progress and does everything that he needs to do, he thinks he will be coming home sometime in February. Doesn't he look good?  We are all just really proud of what he is doing!  Please pray for him to have the strength he needs to do well in his therapy.  It will be so great to walk along side him again!  Thanks for all the love and support.  When we were explaining some of the accident to him on Saturday, he wanted us to please let everyone know how much he appreciates your love and concern.  

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