Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 69

Thursday, January 26, 2012
Today was an amazing day!  Bob was the Superstar of IMC!  I think the light switch might be starting to come on.  His day started off with heartfelt phone calls to me and Ryan.  He was just very appreciative and grateful for lots of things today.  He thanked the nurses and therapists for all that they are doing to help him get better.  He played connect 4 with the occupational therapist and did really well.  He played sequential card games with the speech therapist, and wheeled himself in his chair from the dining room to his room after therapy.  He paused for a moment and bowed his head to ask Heavenly Father to help him before his morning physical therapy.  He stood up, with help, at the parallel bars 6 times this morning and stood in the other machine during his afternoon therapy session.  He ate well today and asked a lot of questions about the accident.  He asked the doctor why he (Bob) didn't like him (the doctor) the first day he got there.  For him to remember that, the light switch is definitely starting to come on!  I think everyone knows but if not, he really, really didn't like the doctor the first day he got to IMC.  He even tried to hit him, so this today was good.  The occupational therapist reminded us that he will still have good days and bad days, especially as his cognition gets better.  As he realizes that he can't do something that he use to be able to do, he will get frustrated and angry.  Today was, we hope, the beginning of more better days.  The time frame for coming home is still at 3 - 5 weeks but if he now understands that he needs to work hard to come home, we may see some great improvements in his leg and arm strength, we hope.  The pictures are of him standing at the parallel bars, him wheeling himself back to his room and the healing process of his incision.  Please continue to pray in our behalf, the prayers are definitely working!  Thanks so much for all the support and love that is being sent our way!

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