Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 65

Sunday, January 22, 2012
I think Bob got on an even bigger roller coaster this past week.  It has been a very hard week for all of us.  He had a couple of good days but the majority were rough.  We had a family meeting with the doctor, a nurse, a physical therapist, a speech therapist, a social worker and someone from the neuro-psych department on Friday.  With input from us and with some research from all of us, we determined that there might be a possibility that some of the medicines might be having an adverse effect on Bob.  They are going to change some of his meds and see if that helps to eliminate some of his "hard moments."  Along with the medications, he is experiencing post traumatic amnesia which is the cause of most of his confusion, anxiety and anger.  He also has aphasia which is the reason he struggles to find the right words to express himself.  The medical people explained that until the confusion lessons, he will continue to struggle with his physical therapy because he can't make sense of why he needs to do it to get stronger.  The meeting was good and helped to make us understand why things are moving slowly in his progression.  They have seen all of what Bob is experiencing, just not all in the same patient.  They reiterated to us again that his injury was extreme and that it is going to take a very long time for Bob to get better.  He had a really good day yesterday and we even went down to the cafeteria for dinner.  He did well feeding himself, even with his right hand!  Please continue to pray for Bob, he needs all that our Heavenly Father sees fit for him.  Thanks for the continued support!

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