Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012
We had a pretty rough weekend at Promise.  Since the trach was removed, Bob's sleep apnea has kicked back in.  His C-pap wasn't working because the air was escaping out the hole in his neck, thus, no sleep, upset Bob!  I think it was a combination of no sleep and just the stage that he is in right now, but he is not a happy camper!  He is agitated, angry, paranoid, uncomfortable and just not feeling well.  He didn't make much sense of anything this weekend other than on Saturday, he was determined that he was going home.  The photo below is when he was trying to convince Daxton to got out and convince the nurses that we were going to sneak him out of there.  They moved him into a semi-private room on Thursday afternoon, which just isn't a good thing when you are sick.  With Bob not sleeping and yelling out and being loud, they moved his "room mate" out on Saturday afternoon.  Yesterday late afternoon, the staff came in and moved Bob again, to another semi private room with a new "room mate."  They are sedating him at night which is hard for me, but they say he is out of control and it is for him as well as the other patients.  He wants to kiss the nurses and can't understand why that isn't appropriate.  I am struggling with all of it - it isn't Bob and he would be so upset to know what he is doing and what they are doing to him!  I hope this phase moves quickly and that he will soon know what is going on and be able to remember things and people!  They are talking about moving him to either McKay Dee or Murray acute rehabilitation on Friday, so we will see if he is ready at that time.  Please continue prayers in our behalf, this is by far the hardest thing I have EVER had to go through in my life.  We are far from done and please don't forget about us, we need you and your prayers!  Thanks so much to family members for helping at the hospital - I couldn't do it without you!  Thanks so much to everyone who has visited Bob, we will forever be grateful for your sacrifice!  Thank you! 

1 comment:

  1. Cody and I just wanted to let you know how much we have been thinking about Bob and your family and praying for you guys! I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through! It was heartbreaking and inspirational all at the same time to read through this blog and see and read all that you guys have been through! Please, please, please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!!!!
