Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Bob got his trach removed yesterday and has had a really good day today.  He held a grape in his right hand and got it to his mouth.  This is HUGE!  He hasn't been moving his right hand much at all so for him to do this, is great!  He is getting stronger every day and they are talking about moving him to an acute rehabilitation center as soon as next week.  We are looking at either the Murray IHC or back to McKay Dee inpatient rehabilitation.  They will work extensively through physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy to get him ready to come home.  Everyone at Promise is impressed with his progress and says that he is a really "nice" brain injury patient.  I guess some are really mean and nasty, but Bob is Bob, kind and appreciative to them for what they do for him.  Your support and concern is so appreciated, thank you!  Wishing all of you a wonderful 2012 - I plan on it being the best year ever! 

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