Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 39

Monday, December 26, 2011
Today was an eventful day for Bob.  His morning started off with the respiratory and speech pathologist buttoning his trach.  This means that they took off all ventilation and oxygen and put a cap on it so that he is totally breathing on his own from his nose and mouth.  They will watch this for 72 hours and if he does well, they will remove the trach from his throat.  He did well all day today, so we are crossing our fingers that he will continue to do so.  They also removed his catheter so the only tube left is his feeding tube.  He had some ice cream and peaches today and even some diet pepsi.  I guess tomorrow he will get real food from the cafeteria, yum!  Today was a harder day than yesterday, as far as him making much sense.  He was a little more angry and demanding today than he has been.  I know this is all just the process but it is kind of hard to deal with.  I just have to keep reminding myself that time will help to resolve these issues.  He is starting to move his right hand a little more so that is also a great thing.  He is still far from being better but without all these "attachments," I am hoping it will be easier for him to start moving more and getting his muscles stronger.  Thanks so much to those who have visited him.  It is fun to hear what he has to say to you!  Please keep praying for him, he still has a long way to go but we have been so blessed with his great progress so far.  Love to all of you!

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