Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 13

Thursday, December 1, 2011
Well, I guess today is the '1 step forward and 2 steps back' day. They had to move Bob back into the ICU this morning. He had another CT scan this morning and the bruising on his brain needs more time to heal. ICU can better deal with the medications that he needs to help reduce the swelling and help heal the bruising. They won't be replacing the bone flap tomorrow like we thought they would be doing. They have him hooked up to all the tubes and monitors again and they also did an ultrasound this evening because they thought he might have kidney stones. The ultrasound came back ok and the infection he has in his respiratory system is being treated aggressively. He did open his eyes for me tonight and moved his arm. We met with the neuro surgeon and he went over the CT scan results with us and explained the bruising that they are concerned about now. He was positive and made me feel better about the delay in our forward progression. Time is what he needs right now to heal the bruising, and we can do that! Please keep praying - and thank you all for your love and support!

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