Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 35

Friday, December 23, 2011
Bob is making good progress.  They removed the staples from his head yesterday and put in a smaller trach.  The smaller trach will allow them to ween him from it completely.  They will cap it off and when he can go 2 to 3 days without additional oxygen and when they are sure he is swallowing correctly, they can remove the trach.  He did eat some applesause and peaches but didn't like them very well.  They will introduce more food next week and see how he does.  They have him sitting up in a chair for some of the day and he sat for 40 seconds without assistance!  This truly made me realize how much we all take for granted - we were thrilled with 40 seconds!  He is talking a lot and the speech pathologist said that it is good that he is calling people by name (even if it is the wrong name) because that means that he is comprehending enough to use names and not just words.  He's doing well and we are thrilled!  Heavenly Father is blessing us in so many ways!  Thank you all for your prayers and concern for our family - it has been incredible!  Please have a wonderful Christmas and don't forget to tell the ones you love just how much you love them - that is what you can do for me for Christmas.  Much love to all of you!  

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