Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 18

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
When I talked to the nurse via phone this morning, she said that Bob had followed her with his eyes this morning and that he was moving his left arm. They have been saying up to this point that he was not tracking with his eyes or focusing on anything so this was another small (but HUGE to us) bit of progress. I also have to thank EVERYONE who has in any way supported me and my family the last couple of weeks. The fundraiser last night was incredible!! So much love and support from family, friends, neighbors and people that I haven't even met were there to lend support to us. WOW, people have been so kind, businesses have been very generous and support has just come from every direction! Thank you, thank you, thank you! My life has been ever changed and I will never forget the kindness and love that have been rendered to me and my wonderful family. I can't wait to give back some of this incredible support (not that I want anyone to have to go through anything like this). Please thank for me anyone that you know that was there to support us that may not get this thank you from me! I will try to take another picture of Bob tonight when I am down visiting - I think you will see some improvements! He looks good!

From Kami's FB page:
Its a happy night at the hospital!!! Dad had his eyes open for over 30 minutes and was smiling at all my funny jokes!!!! Yea!!!

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