Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 25

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Bob was moved to Promise late yesterday afternoon. We went down to see him last night after he got settled. We are hoping this is a good thing and that he will progress quickly and be able to get strong again. Ryan went down and spent the day with him today since I had to return to work yesterday. They took him off the ventilator for 6 hours today. He was totally breathing on his own! That is the first step in weening him off of the ventilator. Ryan said he did very well and he also squeezed his hand and moved his head on command today. It's hard having him so far away from home - if any of our great friends from the Salt Lake area can and would like to, we would so appreciate you going up and spending some time with Bob. It's not super exciting, but it would sure make me feel better to know that he has someone with him. Thanks for your concern and support, please keep praying that he will get strong and heal quickly so we can get him home with us!

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