Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 28

Friday, December 16, 2011
It has been a good day at Promise! I have been here with Bob all day today and have seen some good things! He sat up on the edge of the bed with the occupational therapists this morning, he has been off the ventilator the past 2 days for 17 hours each day, he nods in response to questions, he is moving his left arm just about continually, and the best thing he did today was to stick out his tongue when we asked him to!! The neuro surgeon told us last week that when he can stick out his tongue on command, that that means his whole brain is functioning. It takes the top of the brain to get the command and the back of the brain to then respond to the command. He did it! He got a hair cut yesterday so now it is all the same length and looks much better. He is progressing, they even put the speaking plug (whatever it is called) on the trak today for about an hour, but I guess he just wasn't in the mood to talk. Great things are happening, lots of hard work ahead. I can see a lot of Bob in his facial expressions - it is such a good thing! Hope everyone has a good weekend, thanks for all your support! Please keep prayers coming, he is going to need them for quite a while!
No wonder he has a headache huh?

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