Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Bob got his trach removed yesterday and has had a really good day today.  He held a grape in his right hand and got it to his mouth.  This is HUGE!  He hasn't been moving his right hand much at all so for him to do this, is great!  He is getting stronger every day and they are talking about moving him to an acute rehabilitation center as soon as next week.  We are looking at either the Murray IHC or back to McKay Dee inpatient rehabilitation.  They will work extensively through physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy to get him ready to come home.  Everyone at Promise is impressed with his progress and says that he is a really "nice" brain injury patient.  I guess some are really mean and nasty, but Bob is Bob, kind and appreciative to them for what they do for him.  Your support and concern is so appreciated, thank you!  Wishing all of you a wonderful 2012 - I plan on it being the best year ever! 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 39

Monday, December 26, 2011
Today was an eventful day for Bob.  His morning started off with the respiratory and speech pathologist buttoning his trach.  This means that they took off all ventilation and oxygen and put a cap on it so that he is totally breathing on his own from his nose and mouth.  They will watch this for 72 hours and if he does well, they will remove the trach from his throat.  He did well all day today, so we are crossing our fingers that he will continue to do so.  They also removed his catheter so the only tube left is his feeding tube.  He had some ice cream and peaches today and even some diet pepsi.  I guess tomorrow he will get real food from the cafeteria, yum!  Today was a harder day than yesterday, as far as him making much sense.  He was a little more angry and demanding today than he has been.  I know this is all just the process but it is kind of hard to deal with.  I just have to keep reminding myself that time will help to resolve these issues.  He is starting to move his right hand a little more so that is also a great thing.  He is still far from being better but without all these "attachments," I am hoping it will be easier for him to start moving more and getting his muscles stronger.  Thanks so much to those who have visited him.  It is fun to hear what he has to say to you!  Please keep praying for him, he still has a long way to go but we have been so blessed with his great progress so far.  Love to all of you!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 37

Sunday, December 25, 2011
Well, today is Christmas and Bob didn't even realize it.  When I told him, he said "really, in September?"  He did well today, seemed happy and content.  He made some sense of things today, but still a lot that he doesn't.  We wish a very Merry Christmas to everyone and hope your day is filled with all the magical things that make it so great.  Thanks so much for all the love and support!  Christmas 2011 has been very different but miraculous for the Page family.  Hoping for a great 2012! 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 35

Friday, December 23, 2011
Bob is making good progress.  They removed the staples from his head yesterday and put in a smaller trach.  The smaller trach will allow them to ween him from it completely.  They will cap it off and when he can go 2 to 3 days without additional oxygen and when they are sure he is swallowing correctly, they can remove the trach.  He did eat some applesause and peaches but didn't like them very well.  They will introduce more food next week and see how he does.  They have him sitting up in a chair for some of the day and he sat for 40 seconds without assistance!  This truly made me realize how much we all take for granted - we were thrilled with 40 seconds!  He is talking a lot and the speech pathologist said that it is good that he is calling people by name (even if it is the wrong name) because that means that he is comprehending enough to use names and not just words.  He's doing well and we are thrilled!  Heavenly Father is blessing us in so many ways!  Thank you all for your prayers and concern for our family - it has been incredible!  Please have a wonderful Christmas and don't forget to tell the ones you love just how much you love them - that is what you can do for me for Christmas.  Much love to all of you!  

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 34

From Joy's facebook:
They are removing Bob's staples and putting in a smaller trach today, yeah!

Day 33

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The newest thing for Bob is that they are putting him on a tilt table and standing him up.  He has done well, not passing out or getting light headed which is apparently quite common.  The first day they stood him up, they asked him how he felt and he said "perfect."  He is talking quite a bit, is still a little confused, but hey, at least he is talking in sentences and using big words!  He is saying some funny things so that is helping to keep the mood light.  I need to thank every special angel that has helped me thus far - you will never know how grateful I am for you!  Thank you!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 30

Sunday, December 18, 2011
Oh my gosh, today was an incredible day with Bob!!  He talked so much today and is making some sense of things.  Some of the things that came out were kind of garbled and confused, but a lot of it was understandable.  He talked to us for about an hour this morning and then about 2 hours tonight.  He is very worried about his business and it is weighing heavy on his mind.  It seems that he has been watching us from a far - he made comments that made us wonder how he knew.  We tried to re-assure him that everything is being taken care of and that all he needs to worry about is getting better.  It was amazing!  He said some things that were spiritual and some that weren't but it was all just amazing!  I cannot tell you how very blessed we all feel today.  Prayers are being answered and miracles are being seen.  The nurses and doctor were shocked today when they heard him talking.  It just happened literally overnight and the doctor called it miraculous!  Thank you so much to family members who are sacrificing time and travel to help make sure that Bob is not alone when I can't be down there.  I will be forever grateful for your help!  Christmas miracles are pouring into our family and it is overwhelmingly incredible!!  Thank you all for your prayers and support, it will never be forgotten!  Love to all of you!

Kami Page Antriyao ( from facebook)
Had quite the conversation with my dad today!!! He is talking when they place his voice box on his trach!!! He had lots to tell us all and had questions he needed answered!!! It has been another amazing day!!!

Help Bob the Builder Charity Dinner Pictures

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 28

Friday, December 16, 2011
It has been a good day at Promise! I have been here with Bob all day today and have seen some good things! He sat up on the edge of the bed with the occupational therapists this morning, he has been off the ventilator the past 2 days for 17 hours each day, he nods in response to questions, he is moving his left arm just about continually, and the best thing he did today was to stick out his tongue when we asked him to!! The neuro surgeon told us last week that when he can stick out his tongue on command, that that means his whole brain is functioning. It takes the top of the brain to get the command and the back of the brain to then respond to the command. He did it! He got a hair cut yesterday so now it is all the same length and looks much better. He is progressing, they even put the speaking plug (whatever it is called) on the trak today for about an hour, but I guess he just wasn't in the mood to talk. Great things are happening, lots of hard work ahead. I can see a lot of Bob in his facial expressions - it is such a good thing! Hope everyone has a good weekend, thanks for all your support! Please keep prayers coming, he is going to need them for quite a while!
No wonder he has a headache huh?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 26

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Oh my gosh!! I just had the best thing happen today! Bob's sister is with Bob today at Promise and she called and asked if I wanted to talk to Bob. I laughed and she put the phone up to his ear. I said "Hey Bob, how are you doing today?" You will never believe what I heard on the other end of the phone! He said "Hey." It was the coolest thing and I am so excited!! Ryan called down also and he said hi to him. They had him off the ventilator so he was talking around the trak and it was quite growley but we understood it! The nurse also told me that they had him sitting on the side of his bed for a little while this morning and that the occupational therapist and the speech pathologist had both been in working with him this morning. What a great day in the progress of one great man! It's a happy day today! Thanks for your support - keep praying and don't forget to thank Heavenly Father for the great progress!! Love to you all!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 25

Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Bob was moved to Promise late yesterday afternoon. We went down to see him last night after he got settled. We are hoping this is a good thing and that he will progress quickly and be able to get strong again. Ryan went down and spent the day with him today since I had to return to work yesterday. They took him off the ventilator for 6 hours today. He was totally breathing on his own! That is the first step in weening him off of the ventilator. Ryan said he did very well and he also squeezed his hand and moved his head on command today. It's hard having him so far away from home - if any of our great friends from the Salt Lake area can and would like to, we would so appreciate you going up and spending some time with Bob. It's not super exciting, but it would sure make me feel better to know that he has someone with him. Thanks for your concern and support, please keep praying that he will get strong and heal quickly so we can get him home with us!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 23

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Today has been a good day!! They sat Bob up in a chair today and he was up for about an hour. We put on his glasses so he could see and he was very responsive. We got a couple of smiles out of him too. The best news of today is that Dr. Welling, the neuro surgeon, told us today that when Bob came in that first afternoon, his coma score was a 3 - 95% of all patients with that score do not live. Bob is one of the 5% that made it!! As the doctor was leaving, I just jokingly said that we are hoping for a Christmas miracle and he turned around and smiled and said that we already got it!! I am feeling so blessed and so lucky today for miracles, for prayers answered, for wonderful friends and family, for doctors and hospitals, for a loving Heavenly Father that saw fit to bless me with my wonderful husband for lots more years to come!! Now we know why the doctor was so cautious that first night and didn't seem too positive with us, it all made sense today. It is still going to be a long road but I know with help from great people and prayers being answered in our behalf, we can make it!! Bob is tough, he is a fighter and he will do it! The plan for tomorrow is that he will be moved to Promise, so I will keep you updated. Thanks so much, now we can all say that we have witnessed a Christmas miracle!! Please keep prayers coming, see what they can do? Love to all of you!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 22

Saturday, December 10, 2011
Friday was a "not much response" day. His head and face are quite swollen today and he has opened his eyes some. He got a fever overnight so that is just another worry. The surgeon told me yesterday that he didn't see anything in his brain that would indicate any permanent damage. What good news! It is just time now to wait and see what happens. The plan for now is the move to Promise on Monday, we'll see what happens. More to come when we have something to tell you! Thanks for everything - please keep praying!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 20 update

Thursday, December 8, 2011
Well, Bob had surgery today to replace his bone flap. The surgery went well and the surgeon said that he was pleased with what he saw in his brain. He is back in ICU for probably 24 hours, and they are not moving him to Promise tomorrow. They want to make sure he is ready and that he is stable and ok for another ambulance ride! He was alert this morning before the surgery but he is resting now and probably quite worn out from yet another brain surgery. He has a new "hat" and they also removed the staples from the back of his head. That was the injury that occurred when he hit the road. Time is what the surgeon said we need now, to see what he has lost and what he can do. Bob's injury was on the frontal lobe and that is the part of the brain that affects our speech and language. We are praying that he will do well and that he didn't lose much if anything, right?!?! Thanks for your love and support - please don't forget to pray for him!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 20

Text from Joy: Surgery scheduled for 1:00 today!

Day 19

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
What a great day! They got Bob up and had him sit on the side of his bed this morning! He is awake and responding ever so slightly. He will withdraw his limbs when they inflict pain but still not a ton on command. He is moving a lot more than he has been. His right leg looks like it is twitching as well as his face muscles and he moves his left arm quite a bit. He smiles at some of the things we say to him and when we mention certain people. He will be going back into surgery tomorrow morning to have his bone flap replaced and then the next step is to move him to "Promise" in LDS Hospital in SLC. Promise is a rehabilitation facility that will work to help him regain and re-learn the things that he may have lost or hurt in the accident. Wow, it has been a good week - so much positive energy and prayers answered in Bob's behalf. Please keep him in your prayers, hopefully tomorrow won't set him back. Love to you all!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 18 number 2

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Oh my gosh!! We had the best night tonight - I wanted to go onto the roof top at the hospital and yell "he's awake, he's awake!" Bob opened his eyes and kept them open for at least 30 to 40 minutes!! He was following us in the room with his eyes and when we were talking to him about certain things, he smiled at us! He was moving his right leg quite a bit and his left arm. It was so awesome, such a great sight to see! Thanks for the prayers, they are working!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 18

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
When I talked to the nurse via phone this morning, she said that Bob had followed her with his eyes this morning and that he was moving his left arm. They have been saying up to this point that he was not tracking with his eyes or focusing on anything so this was another small (but HUGE to us) bit of progress. I also have to thank EVERYONE who has in any way supported me and my family the last couple of weeks. The fundraiser last night was incredible!! So much love and support from family, friends, neighbors and people that I haven't even met were there to lend support to us. WOW, people have been so kind, businesses have been very generous and support has just come from every direction! Thank you, thank you, thank you! My life has been ever changed and I will never forget the kindness and love that have been rendered to me and my wonderful family. I can't wait to give back some of this incredible support (not that I want anyone to have to go through anything like this). Please thank for me anyone that you know that was there to support us that may not get this thank you from me! I will try to take another picture of Bob tonight when I am down visiting - I think you will see some improvements! He looks good!

From Kami's FB page:
Its a happy night at the hospital!!! Dad had his eyes open for over 30 minutes and was smiling at all my funny jokes!!!! Yea!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 16

Sunday, December 4, 2011
We just saw some great things from Bob! He is much more alert today than he has been. When Ryan was here and saying good-bye, he raised his left arm and gave him what looked like a wave. When Kami and Katie went back, he opened his eyes and moved his mouth as if to respond to their comments. When they went to leave, they asked him to raise his arm and he did! Today is a good day! When I went back, he was also awake and looked at me and moved his arm when I went to leave. They are planning to move him up to the 3rd floor tomorrow. I'm so grateful for the little things, they keep me going! When the girls just went back to say good-bye, he just had a pleasant look on his face and we all have such a strong feeling that he is on his way back - what a great day!! Love to all of you and thank you - please keep praying for him - Heavenly Father is blessing us and answering our prayers!! It is a good day!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 14

Text from Joy: Good news! The PA got him to move all 4 limbs! That is a first!!! Yea!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 13

Thursday, December 1, 2011
Well, I guess today is the '1 step forward and 2 steps back' day. They had to move Bob back into the ICU this morning. He had another CT scan this morning and the bruising on his brain needs more time to heal. ICU can better deal with the medications that he needs to help reduce the swelling and help heal the bruising. They won't be replacing the bone flap tomorrow like we thought they would be doing. They have him hooked up to all the tubes and monitors again and they also did an ultrasound this evening because they thought he might have kidney stones. The ultrasound came back ok and the infection he has in his respiratory system is being treated aggressively. He did open his eyes for me tonight and moved his arm. We met with the neuro surgeon and he went over the CT scan results with us and explained the bruising that they are concerned about now. He was positive and made me feel better about the delay in our forward progression. Time is what he needs right now to heal the bruising, and we can do that! Please keep praying - and thank you all for your love and support!